
Hello.. Friends Welcome you can go ahead and read whatever it says... also i couldn't fit these things in my "about me" so... yeah.

About Me:Name is S Francois Knox, Fixated about games and work. Im a chill person don't sweat talking to me and ask me something and i'll try to help.
Building Stuff on Roblox etc. (im learning o_0)
Soon-To-Be Game Creator!
Likes:Music,Games,Family (Friends),Voice Acting,Sea Food,Reading,Plushies,Quietness (yes i play Heavy Metal),Conquering Planets
Dislikes:Loud people,Toxicity,Kakarot
Hobbies:Building Legos or 3D Puzzles,Fishing,Book Collecter,Chess,Karate,Working Out,Chill & Relax...